Thursday, March 11, 2010

Painting a Story! Ephesians 2:10

Ephesians 2:10 (New Living Translation)

10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

I am not an artist. Not at all. The only reason I got an A in art when I was in 8th grade was because I helped organize the closet in the Art Room. I am a much better organizer than an artist..... which really doesn't say much. Art runs in my family. My great grandfather on my mom's side was an amazing painter. He painted lots of seascapes with huge ships. My grandmother on my dad's side was a painter too at one time. My dad is also an incredible artist. He does a lot of ink drawings of houses and nature and every now and then he would use watercolors and airbrushing. With all of this art in my family....I didn't inherit any of those skills.

I didn't even think I was that big of a fan of art until I went to the Getty Center in LA a couple of years ago. The Getty is this huge free museum filled with photography, paintings and sculptures. I was in awe with all of the paintings. My poor aunt had to endure me going around to all of the paintings and reading the little plaques that were placed by each painting. Every painting told a story. You could tell what the artist was going through in their lives as you read the plaques and looked at the painting. Each stroke of the brush was an emotion that the artist felt and what they stood for. It was awesome to see all of the different perspectives of one time period. I learned so much about the artist by looking at their collection of paintings.

I think that is what the scripture is talking about today. WE are God's masterpiece. Each of us have the ability to tell the story about our Artist. Each stroke of God's paintbrush tells us about His emotions and the direction he wants us to go in. Our lives are not painted as a mistake or rough draft. Each of us were created with a purpose and a direction. I really don't think Van Gogh sat there and stared at an empty canvas and just started doodling. Van Gogh had a vision for his work... a story and picture in his mind of how things were going to look. I really believe we were created the same way. We were all created for greatness. We were created with a plan. Once we embrace the fact that we were created for something more than cleaning out the Art Closet and that we are God's Masterpiece... then we can embody the story we are supposed to tell and live the plans Christ died for us to have. Its all about how you look at things. The perspective that you have on your life.

The question is not if you are God's Masterpiece........ the question is are you living out His story in your life?

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