Monday, February 7, 2011

Sex and Dating Series

This week Foundation Student Ministries is about to undertake one of THE MOST IMPORTANT and critical topics of discussion and focus.... Sex and Dating.

This focus has been in the works for quite a while and has been wrapped in prayer for over 3 months. Every day I am reminded about the stress and pressure that surrounds our students on this topic. If you don't believe me.. all you need to do is read their Facebook walls, observe their actions, or sit down and have an honest conversation with them.

We will start this Wednesday with a look at Boundaries and what they mean. I have been offering a Sunday School class for the past two weeks for parents to learn about the curriculum covered during this series. The first week we had 4 parents, yesterday we had 1. I will continue to offer this sunday school class for the next two weeks... because I feel this topic is way too important to back down. I would like to strongly encourage all parents to join me for the next two weeks as we discuss girl issues and guy issues. I have a committed group of 10 youth sponsors who are excited and ready to support and listen to the youth of our community as they discuss these topics on Wednesday nights. I am constantly hearing an undertone from teenagers that they feel that nobody is listening to them or hearing what they have to say. To those amazing and brave individuals I would like to say... "We are ready to listen".

I am asking for prayer for our students, parents, youth sponsors, and myself as we intentionally take a look at what is going on in our society and hearts of our teenagers. I will be blogging through out the next four weeks and have suggested activities and prayer focuses that will help parents and youth take an honest took at what effect Sex and Dating is having in their lives.

Please feel free to contact me via.. email, text, call, Facebook, or any other form of communication if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, insights, or topics you think I should cover regarding this topic.

Ways to contact me:
text/call: 817-455-9640
facebook: Amanda Sargent

Below are the meeting times for both youth and parents:
Sunday February 13 - issues for guys
Sunday February 20 - Issues for girls
**Both of these classes are held at 9:45 in the upstairs of our main building room 215

Wednesday February 9th - boundaries
WEdnesday February 16th - role of dating
Wednesday February 23rd - issues for guys
Wednesday March 2nd - issues for girls

-Amanda <><

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