Here are just a few reasons why I have not accomplished many things on my to do list today.....
1. I almost died! True story!!! I was driving along minding my own business...(with my new clutch by the way...that is AMAZING...who knew a car was supposed to drive that way) and this soccer mom in an extra long car came streaking out of nowhere right in front of me. I had to slam on my brakes and I missed t-boning her car with in an inch. She kept on driving and probably didn't even notice all 28 years of my life flash in front of her. After my near death experience... I realized the importance of life and felt that I needed to buy some donuts to celebrate my new lease on life.
2. A small office altercation caused me to feel the need to drive 30 minutes away to purchase construction paper for our Mother's Day Out program. It seemed like an immediate necessity at the time... because what are children going to do with out construction paper? I could be hindering their fine motor skill development. So my co-worker and I set out to Arlington to make the purchase...because all school supply purchases should be made with two people present...one person can not handle it all by themselves. While we were there we decided to take a detour to my favorite restaurant Matts! I love Matts....there will be other blog posts about Matts. All in all this little field trip was three hours long.
3.While on our way home from Cedar Hill....we traveled behind a flat bed truck that had a deer head rolling around the back of it. It was not a "hey this head would be perfect to mount and hang by the fireplace" type of deer head.... it was a "hey I found this on the side of the road and I can use the antlers for something cool like a pen rest or back scratcher" kind of deer head. I had to follow this guy for a while because the sunlight was not at the right angle for my low grade phone camera to take a quality picture. Note attached picture. Only in Waxahachie would this be normal.
4. So after all of my afternoon excitement I decide it is finally time to get to work. I had huge plans. Things that needed to be written....emails that needed to be returned....pictures of deer heads in back of pick up trucks to be printed. So I sat down at my computer...put on some tunes that would inspire me to write, email, and print...then I smelled something strange. It was a musty odor that was really gross. I kinda noticed the smell yesterday but I really didn't pay too much attention to it. All of a sudden I had to turn into a smell detective. I had one thing on my mind....to find the odd smell. I walked all around the office..first smelling myself to make sure it wasn't me...then all around the office my nose went. I smelled the carpet..fine. I smelled the chairs...fine. I looked in the trash...fine. Then it was to the plants. BINGO! One of our plants was putting off a nasty smell! I took the plant downstairs to our basement...set it in the sink... and took the baskets apart to find the core of the problem. Apparently my co worker was pouring whatever was in her cup at the end of the day into our plant...which caused this fungusy, moldy, nasty smell. I preformed some surgery...and flushed out the plant....and hopefully with it staying in the basement sink for a bit things will smell better.
So now I sit....ready to work....after I post this blog!
this was one of the most entertaining things i've read in a LONG time.
oh, and i love those "3 hour trips to the store for church stuff" :-)
i can be the king of those!
when did you start following this truck..it appears that you followed it all the way downtown; that is if your quaility picture phone does not deceive me....you tease with the "small office altercation" and never go back..was it Jerry!?! just kidding, really enjoying your random thoughts, keep them coming!
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