Monday, November 8, 2010

Matthew 5:6 Food for thought...

"You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat."
Matthew 5:6

I love everything that has to do with food! I love to eat! I love to cook! I love to watch shows about eating and cooking!

I want to believe that I have developed an appreciation of food as I have grown older.

As a child I could critique any form of candy you place before me. There was not a kind of candy that I did not try at least once.

As I got older I learned to appreciate the finer things like the best cuts of beef, the best way to cook vegetables, and the best cheese to go with the best wine. (but who am i kidding.. I really love eating salsa and chips, chicken fingers, and of course grilled cheese sandwiches).

When my friends and I get together we eat at all of the places we love. Very few times do I plan an event that doesn't require food. I find pleasure out of finding new recipes and sharing those recipes with others. There is just something about food that makes everything better.

---Then Matthew 5:6 came along and made me think---

What would working up an appetite for God look like? I can tell you that I have already thought about what i will have for dinner tonight and what i will eat for breakfast tomorrow... but sadly I haven't even begun to think about when the next time I will pray would be or the next time I will open up the Bible (beyond Matthew 5 of course).

Its funny how we socialize around food... but rarely do we socialize around God. We plan for food in our daily lives... but rarely do we plan for our DAILY bread.

I could talk about food for hours - but could i talk about God for an hour?

God is the best we could ever have! Its hard to believe that anything is better than a great piece of chocolate or a nice juicy steak. But God is better than anything we could ever want in our lives. I want to limit God and place him on the menu under appetizers or insist that God is the main course... when in all actuality.. God is the whole menu.

Food is such a great analogy for God. We need food to survive. We need God for eternal life.
We can eat enough food just to survive. We can take in enough God just to get by..just to feel better about our lives.

God can be for more than just survival.

I am so very thankful that the relationship I have with our Creator is beyond just survival. I serve a God who guides my steps. I serve a God who never leaves my side. I serve a God that wants only the best for me and provides so many opportunities for me to have the best.

While we can gorge ourselves with feasts and fast foods.. we will never be able to gorge ourselves with God.

There is no such thing as being overweight with God's love.

Our cups overflow with his love and mercy.

We thank God for our food... but do we ever thank our food for God?

In the Food Vs. God challenge....... God is the champion.

"He's the best food and drink in the best meal we will ever eat"

Amen to that!

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